Thread: Slide awnings
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Old 02-18-2008, 05:26 AM   #6
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2004
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M.O.C. #1846
I saw a gentleman once who had long ropes which he threw over the awnings and then had bungee cords that he used to connect them to the bottom of the large slide; on the smaller slides he simply brought the two ends of the rope together under the slide and then used bungee cords to connect the two ends (had loops tied into the ends of the of the ropes to connect the cords to. Kept the toppers from flapping. I spoke to him a bit and he said he had tried beach balls (blew out), foam of various sizes and shapes, etc. but the ropes were the easiest to put on, held on (didn't blow away) and created less storage problem. Only thing he did say was that he was thinking of using strapping (going with 2 or 3 inch wide nylon or similar straps) because they would give more fabric on the edges of the toppers -- said he felt he was beginning to see some wear on the fabric from the ropes.....

That all said, we've had to pull in our slides twice while visiting ABQ - KOA sits right in line with the winds coming out of the canyon and in the evening they do make those things flap. First time we thought they were going to tear off from the 5er, the 2nd time we did it just for 'safety sake'; we were going to be gone and didn't want to risk any damage..
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