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Old 02-14-2008, 04:16 AM   #29
Montana Master
Join Date: Mar 2005
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M.O.C. #3403
The only way to know is to go to the scales, to THINK you’re within weight limits is not my opinion. Now for need to look at the sticker on the door of your truck to know what you load limit is. There are those out there with ¾ ton truck that are within their trucks load limits, and then there are others that have never gone to the scales and just feel they are not overweight. We all know the only way to know if we are over weight is to jump on the scale every once and awhile to know for sure. The longer you are away from home the more things we tend to put in our trucks and/or trailers and thus the 300 lbs safety margin we started with can now be 200 to 300 lbs over weight. JMHO…But if you don’t weigh your rig every now and then you just don’t know if you’re operating safely.
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