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Old 10-18-2007, 11:50 AM   #5
Montana Master
Join Date: Jan 2005
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M.O.C. #2839
The gas Vs diesel is just one of my "things" Of course a diesel is less expensive to run..over the long run.. It is designed to be less expensive to operate.It is designed to be better than a gas the long run.. It is a completely different design than a gas motor and designed to do different things..That is why it is..IMO...meaningless to compare them.We do not have to compare it is a given that over the long run the diesel will serve you better.Of course the diesel gives better is designed to do that just as my Honda Civic gives better MPG than Helen's Honda Accord.

(this is not a serious discussion on my part) I really do not care.. The gas motor did the job..the diesel will do the job and I am NOT crunching any numbers...Now I have to take another nap..
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