Thread: New Television
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Old 10-17-2007, 05:20 PM   #17
Okie Guy
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2006
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M.O.C. #6054
If you can hold off I would wait about 5 months. In February the price of a HDTV will drop a couple hundred bucks again. February is the end of the model year for electronic stores so they are trying to clear out the old models. You can get some really good deals in February as long as you don't want the biggest, baddest & latest gadget. All stations have to be converted to digital by 2009 so the price of these things are really going to drop over the next year. Sams has a brand called vizo or viezo or somthing like that which is a good product. This company was started by a group of people who branched off from Sony to start their own product.
Some food for thought.
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