Thread: Diesel noise?
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Old 07-14-2007, 01:13 PM   #12
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #2839
Nice Brad..Now that is telling it like it is..I have not yet seen a V-10 with Flowmaster Mufflers and megaphone tips pulling anything.. The new diesels are vey quiet and the new fuel smells good. But I can hear that Dodge Cummings a block away. I had special clothing for diesel driving and Helen washed them separately. Now you can not hear my V-10 running at all from inside the cab and I drove a Ford 6.4L for two days and it is very quiet but I can hear it running from inside the cab and did not even have my hearing aid in. A diesel motor is not the right choice for everyone under every condition and the new diesel motors are not suited for every day driving involving short trips.Our V-10 does just fine dragging this 3400 anchor around all over the country. Will always remember Helens words as I lamented that we got over a 9 % grade in NM at 50.7 MPH, speed limit 50MPH and a Diesel would have done much better..Said Helen..."we didn't need to do any better." The truth hurts....Our next TV will be a diesel because I never owned one of my own..but this V-10 is a brute.
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