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Old 06-21-2007, 07:08 PM   #10
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #1358
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Persistence pays off...they finally got my topper painted to a level that I can accept and the leather was all repaired other than one spot.
That will get repaired to, as it's clear they exasperated the problem.
They actually burned the seat leather trying to shrink a wrinkle out of it.
Slowly but surely, it's coming together...I'm like a bulldog when it comes to things like this. I even tried warning them ahead of time to make sure they did a good job right off. They must be playing a numbers game figuring most won't notice or something. They found out the hard way in my case. It isn't my fault they did poor work and had to spend more to make it right. I sent them scrambling...
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