Thread: 303 questions
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Old 05-18-2007, 10:13 AM   #4
Montana Master
Join Date: Nov 2002
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M.O.C. #20
I use a wash/wax on the rig but I don't think it would be a particularly good "base." It will only last maybe a month and then it will need more wax (via wash/wax or the old fashioned elbow grease method). If you really want a good base wax I'd try one of the premium products intended for fibreglass, like Meguiars, for example. However, that will take quite a bit of time. Or maybe $$ if you pay someone else to apply it.

On the roof, I use nothing but Dawn. Dicor (mfr of the roof material) used to recommend Dawn until they started selling their own branded products.

Whatever you use on the roof, be absolutely sure it contains no petroleum products nor any kind of citrus. At the Fall Rally the Dicor rep told us birds and squirrels smell the citrus and think it is food. They dig into the roof or peck it trying to get at the food. They also said some products with petroleum distillates in them don't indicate that on the label. If you use Dawn, don't use the citrus one.
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