Thread: Security System
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Old 04-27-2007, 12:49 PM   #9
Montana Fan
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Owendale (Bad Axe)
Posts: 380
M.O.C. #6592
I belonged to the rifle club in high school (imagine them doing THAT nowadays huh?), and was certified as a pro marksman on non moving targets. I shot many guns on my dads property during visitation while growing up. I always thought I was quite comfortable around firearms. But, a few years ago, my ex (a retired cop outside Cleveland) and I went to the firing range. The gun was a 40 mm semi automatic Baretta. That gun scared the bejesus out of me!! After firing off a few rounds, I set it down because I was shaking so badly. I said that I didn't want to be anywhere near that gun again it scared me so badly.

I've been considering the purchase of a gun again now that I'm going to be traveling pretty much alone. But, it would need to be something very small, and easy to handle. I don't know, I'm still awfully torn about the whole thing. Maybe if I were to take some classes, and went for a CCW permit I would be more comfortable about it. Right now, I have Molly, my black lab. She is a very gentle girl, but barks at any stranger who approaches, and I believe she would protect me if it came down to it. Even my Connor screams if someone approaches the trailer....very good watch birdie...LOL And Chloe, the african grey, likes to bark like a dog at strangers also. I guess I have a security system, but only for warnings, not ultimately to protect. Back to thinking about a gun...

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