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Old 12-08-2006, 01:42 PM   #14
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #1358
Send a message via MSN to Ozzie problem Jack...BTW - I have a brother that's retired Navy as well.
Yes, I used regular vinyl coated braided line (the kind for sinks), broke the connections on each side of the pump, and installed the loops between those connections. I needed a couple adapters to make it work as those lines are male/female. What you need are female/female.

What it did was isolate the pump from the hard plumbing on both sides. The loop actually takes the pulse from the pump and absorbs it before it gets to the hard plumbing pipes. That's what makes it work.

I also added an accumulator at the same time to help stabilize water pressure when more than one faucet is one. That was a success too.
Both of those fixes were less than $50 and it's one of the cheapest and most rewarding fixes I've done.

EDIT - had to make a correction.
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