Thread: Aux Fuel Tank
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Old 10-12-2006, 02:05 AM   #19
Montana Fan
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M.O.C. #5072
RRHeik, whether or not you can justify an aux tank on a pure cost basis depends on what kind of driving you do. On short trips you probably won't find big differences in fuel prices, but on our recent trip from Fla to Alaska and back (over 15,000 miles towing). we encountered diesel prices ranging from $2.33 in Ga to well over $4.00 in the Yukon Territory. We didn't find any stretches of over 100 miles or so without fuel, but fuel stops with reasonable prices were often over 1,000 miles apart. Our 116 gallon aux tank gives us 151 gallons total, and a range towing of well over 1,500 miles. I am convinced I saved several hundred dollars on this trip, and had a similar experience a couple of years ago going to Newfoundland and Labrador.
As for rest stops, nothing says you have to be out of fuel to make a rest stop. We still take breaks every 100 miles or so, but now we are not limited to gas stations.
I say go for it.

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