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Old 05-29-2006, 03:58 PM   #24
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #450
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Wellllll!!! My Kookie has never been in a cage in his 9 years of life but I have total verbal control over him. If I tell him to shut up he does, if I tell him to get on the sofa he does, if I tell him to stay he does. But I started training him when he was 6 months old. Now when we leave him in the Montana while we go out for the day to do shopping I leave the TV on so there are voices in here and I leave the shades down and he will sleep all day. There has never been a problem with him barking. Now If you knock on my door he will bark and turn around and around in circles and one time almost knocked his self out then he will bark telling you to go away.LOL So Wagonmaster do what ever it takes do it, I will not stay in a park that does not allow my BABY. LOL
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