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Old 02-23-2024, 08:21 PM   #8
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #6433
Originally Posted by newowneroldmontana View Post

I don't know about weather apps, but I don't think a regular weather radio will do you any good while traveling, though, because I think they have to be programmed for specific counties individually.
…. …...
NOAA weather radios are pretty easy to program for the specific county of whatever state you are in, or for that plus the surrounding counties. We have one at home that we can set for our home county. And we carried it with us when RVing and programmed for that location if severe storms were in the forecast.

But honestly the late night alarms got to be annoying and the radio has been unplugged for years. Now if there are storms predicted for after my bedtime I just tell the wife to wake me if we get blown away.

I agree with watching local TV weather whether home or traveling. They give more and better minute to minute storm status than apps if severe storms are in the area. There may be a severe storm warning in affect but watching the TV might show it several miles away and moving away from you and little to worry about. Alternately it may be moving directly toward you and might affect how you respond.

In summary, be as well prepared as you feel comfortable. Then put it out of your mind and don’t fret over it.
Bill & Patricia
Riley, our Golden
2007 3075RL (recently sold, currently without)
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