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Old 05-10-2023, 02:23 PM   #19
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Join Date: Aug 2017
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Posts: 20
M.O.C. #20316
Smile Knees - what a headache!

I had my first knee replaced in 1999, the second one in 2004. I did super both times. I did everything they told me therapy wise and had real good range of motion plus no limp! Fast forward to 2007 I slipped on black ice and broke my femur on the 1999 knee. It broke right above the artificial knee and spiraled all the way up the back of the femur. I have a very long rod in my leg that is attached to the upper part of the knee replacement, also about 20 screws holding it all together. Spent 4 months in a wheel chair, 4 more with a walker. It was a year before I walked somewhat normal. The surgeon told me afterwards he didn't know if I'd ever walk again! I have a limp most of the time and that leg is about a half inch shorter, only use a cane if I have to walk a longer distance. So in about 2019 the 1999 knee started to bother me. The surgeon said maybe he could replace the plastic spacers if I could find out what kind of replacement they had used. Needless to say that surgeon from 1999 had retired, I sent papers to the hospital where I went to get my records - nothing! So now my surgeon says he's hesitate to replace that 1999 knee because it might open up a whole new can of worms with that rod. His advice was to be really nice to 1999 knee! I'm dealing with it and just keep telling myself at least I can walk. I'm 73 now, so I hope I can baby 1999 knee until the good Lord calls me home.
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