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Old 01-21-2023, 12:29 AM   #17
Seasoned Camper
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Sun City
Posts: 55
M.O.C. #22428
Congratulations on your new trailer with a residential refrigerator. The refrigerator is a real game changer in this summer especially if you live out west. I have had my current trailer since 2019 it to with a Samsung refrigerator. I live in Phoenix where summertime temperatures get past 115° and I may be here for the shoulder seasons but I get the hell out of town for about 5 months during the summers. During these 5 months I very seldom stay at a campground with hookups. So I think I am well educated on what it takes to boondock with a residential refrigerator.
First you do not have to make this expensive. I started with for AgM batteries that I was lucky enough to find here in Phoenix from the Mexican cartel for $50 each. I use these batteries for three 5 months seasons. They serve me well although they were extremely heavy and I was always on top of sulfation. I was always quick to make sure that my solar was going to start charging so that I would not damage them which I never did. At the same time that I put the batteries in I found 185 w solar panels for $25 each. These are Canadian solar, 46 volt open circuit panels that measure 33x66. I went ahead and bought 100 of these panels when I found them knowing that I could take a few with me on each trip and sell them on the road which I did. I installed eight of them on my roof along with two Victron 100/50 solar controllers. I use this setup for 3 years to charge my AGMs and to power my refrigerator and other items that I had wired into the factory 1000 w inverter. It served me well. Two years ago I went ahead and I upgraded everything I completely redid my power board I bought four hundred amp lithium batteries out at quartzsite from a company from shipshewana Indiana. I also bought a Victron 3000 II inverter. I came home started over from scratch with my wiring and in about 2 weeks I had everything ready to go along with the Cerbo color control panel. I've used this system now for two summers. The way I have installed my system which is completely in the original battery banks nothing overflows anywhere. I keep my original generator compartment as a compartment to store my folding chairs. Everything fits the four lithium batteries my inverter and my solar controllers all in the original left side battery compartment. I seldom look at the controller even though it is pretty color and all that my system simply works. I do look at it first thing in the morning to see where I'm at after running all night long and it's normally at about 70% charge which is fine. I have a grand total of $7,000 into my $1,400 Watts of solar, controllers, servo GX, and 3000 II inverter. I think this is a realistic value to upgrade as long as you were going to use it which I always do. I have never had my batteries go dead on me and I never think of being stingy on my power use. My system just works like it should. I do not use a DC/DC charger as my solar system puts out far more than I could ever use going down the road. If anybody has any questions feel free to call me I'll be at court site next week and I'll be at the national rally next fall
Jeff Lawrence
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