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Old 05-04-2006, 05:02 PM   #38
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #4282
Ron, some of those PDIs may seem like a lot, but if you read through them with a notepad beside you and jot down the info that you would think to be relevant to what you wanted your own personal PDI to look like, I believe you would be a lot more confident leaving a dealership with your new Monty.

Just make sure your plumbing is all tightened up before you leave and check your rechargeable light - they don't work on the new units coming out of the factory (bad batch). Also, the shower drain is a problem - it will leak. Have them put in a new gasket before it leaves the dealership. Make sure your tanks don't leak and make sure the black tank actually dumps. That's just off the top of my head without looking at at anything that I have written down somewhere. Of course you're familiar with the "blue coiled hose" situation...

Anything else that I missed, guys, that is NOT on these PDIs?
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