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Old 01-17-2022, 07:07 AM   #6
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #22835
I'm assuming you are talking about a bed spread (like a bed you sleep on), and not a "bed cover" for the bed of a pick-up truck? right? When I started reading your post, I thought ... how can a dry cleaner loose a truck bed cover? Is it a soft cover? The next couple posts got me in the right direction.

OK, I officially retired 3 days ago, I don't have to actually "think" about anything any more! Truly, in the last 3 days, my brain has truly let down!

So, assuming you are talking about the original cover for the bed inside your camper, the odds of finding another one like it are probably slim, unless you check with your local dealership and see if they can match up something with Keystone or Keystone's suppliers. However, finding an exact match may be near impossible, especially if your camper is a few years old now and that specific bed spread is no longer made.

We've had 4 campers that came with some kind of original bed spread, and all of the bed spreads were cut and designed to fit the specific bed. So, replacing something off the shelf will probably be next to impossible.

We took our original bed spreads out of every one of our campers they day we brought the camper home and replaced them immediately with something different. For the previous 3 campers, when we traded, we put back the several year old bed spread (but still new) back into the camper. We never used them. They weren't warm anyway. We realized they were made just for decoration to make the camper more attractive with "glitz" so it would sell better.
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2019 Montana High Country 375FL
2014 Chevy Silverado Duramax, 6.6L Dually
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