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Old 07-13-2021, 08:20 PM   #5
Montana Master
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: McKinney
Posts: 7,203
M.O.C. #6433
Congratulations on making it to the point you can retire, and having the option of doing it or not. I liked my job and planned on working until 66. But my 30 mile each way commute was getting worse by the year. And travel for work was increasing beyond the point I enjoyed. But when the company moved all manufacturing to Mexico requiring engineers to travel to Monterey regularly I made my decision at 62. My wife and I owned a small business that she managed and provided adequate income that I could delay taking social security until 66. She continued to run the business another 9 years simply because she had built it from the ground up and hated to sell. And, she had reliable people so that we could take 3-4 week vacations without worrying about it. Between being Mr. Fixit for the business, dabbling in woodworking at home, and traveling I never got bored.
Don’t know your wife’s status. Mine is 2 yrs younger than me. At 66 she started drawing off my SSA for a lesser amount than if she had taken hers. But hers continued to grow. When she turned 70 she changed over to drawing from hers (required by law) at a significantly higher rate than if she had drawn from hers initially due to that growth. She made up the difference rapidly and the rest is gravy from now on. Had never heard of that, and amazingly a helpful lady in the SSA office recommended it. Something to consider.
Bill & Patricia
Riley, our Golden
2007 3075RL (recently sold, currently without)
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