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Old 05-28-2021, 08:59 AM   #15
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Join Date: Aug 2007
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M.O.C. #7560
The Melodrama is held at Mahoney State Park and is a live play that the actors are playing the good guy, the fair maiden, the bad guy and other characters in the story. It is a lot of fun. You boo when the bad guy comes on stage, sigh when the fair maiden does and cheer when the good guy comes on the stage. The audience throw popcorn at the bad guy and dollar bills are thrown onto the stage and the actors scramble to cover them and pick them up all while they are not missing a beat in their lines. It is a hoot and really a lot of fun. Hope you will join us. We are planning on going to Bakers Chocolates in the afternoon, out to eat for dinner/supper and then to the Melodrama that evening on the Tuesday of the Rally. A complete schedule of the Rally will be out by hopefully Monday.
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