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Old 01-06-2021, 08:20 AM   #50
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #6433
Originally Posted by Montana Man View Post
There seems to be very few that die from covid alone. The majority that pass have other issues that in combination, becomes fatal. There is a big difference between those that die from covid and those that die with covid. It may be safer for those with other conditions to vaccinate opposed to risking catching that which would push them over the edge.
While other health issues are certainly a major contributing factor, I don't know that "very few" is accurate. Early on there was often news statements like "6 people died of covid yesterday, 2 of which had no underlying conditions". The total numbers have grown so much the statements no longer break it out like that.

In the end, it doesn't matter if a diabetic died from diabetes due to complications of covid, or if a diabetic died from covid due to complications of diabetes. If not for the covid, that person would likely still be alive and being treated for diabetes.

Still, those having other health issues definitely should be seriously considering the vaccinations. But otherwise healthy people should also.
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