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Old 04-19-2020, 08:01 AM   #18
Montana Fan
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M.O.C. #2446
Originally Posted by mlh View Post
Some people are saying ‘we have the right to do whatever we wish’ NO you do not have the right to endanger other people’s lives. If they have a death wish go jump off a bridge but don’t take your grandparents or others with you.
I'm sure after listening to the stages of reopening. Some areas of the country will be open ASAP. Not every area has a concentration of people, While other areas more urban with higher density of population will require a prolonged sheltering. This will not sit well within the inner cities where the population is dense. Out on the open plains and rural areas will still have social distancing within establishments for safety of everyone. However, some may reopen restaurants with distance between tables in some areas. Some will throw caution out the window and just reopen and assume business as usual.
This is where the trouble begins all over again and we will come September be in the same situation as the beginning of march. More and More cases being brought to light and we end up on quarantine (shelter and social distancing). Within a few months after the second quarantine a vaccine will be developed. However, how many people will trust the government to get a newly concocted shot. People will have lost a lot of faith by then.

The close proximity of people who may carry the virus, may not have visible symptoms are the problem. It could be me or you. So distancing is the best practice, in any attempt, of exertion control, to prevent a secondary pandemic.
Chris Donna and Oliver the rescue Dog.
Old 3255RL It is a weekend warrior and less than 15K miles. Mostly sits at the house. Home is where the heart is.
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