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Old 03-16-2020, 10:57 AM   #25
Montana Fan
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M.O.C. #18363
Originally Posted by DutchmenSport View Post
First, I'm a man, so I can say far too many men are controlling and feel they are the only ones who can do certain things. I know, I've been on one of them in the past. I refused to relinquish control to anyone else for any reason, let alone driving any of my vehicles, motorcycles, or anything I owned at the time.

Then came the day I got married and my mind-set changed. It was no longer all about me and "mine". It was about "us" and "we". It became very obvious, very fast, when we got our first band-new vehicle together that she needed to learn how to drive it. It was a 5 speed manual pick-up truck. She had never driven a manual before, ever. She definitely needed to learn. I had to swallow my self-egotism and just let her grind the gears a few times. In a very short while, she was driving as good as anyone ever could.

Fast forward, we got our first pop-up, later travel trailer, later fifth wheel. In all situations, from towing with a mini-van, to a 3500 dually diesel, I've insisted she learn how to drive, handle it, navigate, back-up, hitch and unhitch completely by herself. And she's done so marvelous! Has she scared the stuffings out of me? Oh yes! On many occasions. Did I bite my tongue? Oh yes, on many occasions. Has he ever had a wreck, gone off the road, banged into something? Absolutely NOT. After all these years, am I still apprehensive when she takes the wheel? Yes. But soon relax.

She doesn't like to drive or tow the right, but I keep insisting she do, and keep her skills up. Why? For a very simple reason...

If I ever have a heart-attack and die! I know she has the skills and ability and talent and where-with-all to get both truck and fifth wheel back home and in the driveway safe .... WITHOUT ME!

Give your wife a break. If she want's to do it, let her. YOUR life may depend on her ability to drive for YOU in the event you become incapacitated for any reason.

She has to learn somehow. Swallow your male ego and just let her do it.
DutchmanSport, I think your wife logged in under your profile and is giving advice. Or do guys share the posting duties too?😉. Don't think I've ever heard a guy tell another guy to swallow his male ego. 😀

Putting ANYONE, regardless of sex, behind the wheel of a vehicle with the mass, weight, size and truck/trailer combo without proper training is very poor advice.

This is not like teaching your daughter how to drive daddy's suburban in the high school parking lot.

Driving is absolutely THE most dangerous thing we do everyday. And for those of you who think you can stick someone behind the wheel to learn as you go, you significantly contribute to the 35,000 DEATHS that happen on the US roads each year.

How do you learn? Formal training. Some of us got that through jobs that require heavy equipment operators, some get it through signing up for driving schools, some get it through RV clubs.

Safety is not sexist. If a person wants to learn, let them take the initiative to learn, without having their hand held. There won't be time for hand holding when that person has to make a split second decision that may or may not save your life.
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