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Old 08-02-2019, 06:27 AM   #1
Montana Master
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Posts: 623
M.O.C. #13390
***rally parking procedures***

All Rally attendees should read this.

The purpose of using escorts at the Rally is to help expedite and ease the parking process. Escorts will show the easiest way to get to the sites and the proper parking location.

Arrivals will enter at Gate Three. This is in the middle of the Fairgrounds. Most people will be arriving from the west and so will make a right turn. We are hoping to have enough helpers so that we can use human traffic cones to point out the correct entry point. If none are present feel free to turn on your own. Go as slow as you want to find the gate. If you overshoot it will be a pain to make another pass.

After entering Gate Three you will make a right turn into a large parking lot. If the escorts are few there may be a line forming. Just pick a line to get into. There should be room for at least three lines. A greeter will meet you in the parking lot to sign you in. If there are few or none in line (lucky you) you can proceed to the end of the parking lot and turn left towards the main gate. This should be where you pick up your escort.

Escorts will lead by golf cart or bike. They will know the best way to get to your site. They will also assist you in parking if you need it. Please be careful to park in your site only. The sites are not wide and we need to get every one in.

Speaking of getting people in. PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE, If you are parking in the 200 area you must park at a diagonal. Some earlier class A rallies have parked at a 90 degree angle to the road. Easy for them but not so much for us. Parking is at a Northwest/Southeast angle. The early arrivals are critical to starting us off right. Most early arrivals can pull through but the last few will face major challenges if not at an angle. Lucky for us that last year we had some amazing drivers to fill the last few gaps. We are also requesting that the 200 area reposition their trucks until we get all the Montys parked. More info on that later, but the area is narrow and it will help to not have trucks in the area. Once we get people settled in we can park like normal people.

To all the volunteers who will point, greet, escort/park. Thank you. This event would not start on time without your help. We will meet at the main gate when you can help. I know we all have different arrival dates and we all have must do things that must be done. When you are available please come to the main gate. We should have some awnings set up for shade and maybe chairs. If you have a favorite chair go ahead and bring it. Afternoons are the busiest times. Some will trickle in in the morning and some in the evenings. There will be some slow times but with 200 coming I wouldn't bet on a lot of it. If you see a line forming in the parking lot please help us out.

There now, that wasn't so bad. You all drive safe and we'll see you at the Rally.
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