Thread: Newbie
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Old 07-21-2019, 12:29 PM   #7
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Omaha
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M.O.C. #7560
Trevor-- Welcome to the Forum! All this stuff you read about QC and etc comes from someone that is displeased with their unit and have to let everyone know about it. What you don't read is just how many folk are totally pleased with their unit and just don't do any posting on it. The Keystone Montana would not be the number one selling fifth wheel for 12 year's straight if it were not a good unit. There are problems with any and every brand of RV and some more than others but the postings here complaining about a problem or something they expected the unit to be and is not is only a fraction of the buyers that you do not hear from that are satisfied and enjoying the heck out of their units.
As others have posted here, you need to find a dealer that you can trust, has good service both from the sales person and the techs back in the shop and they will work with you on both pricing and future service. There are some dealers out there that give you a good story but cannot carry through with their promises and service they have promised you.
Good luck on your choice and we hope you do buy a Montana because you can get all the support you need here on the Forum from those that already own a Montana and if you have any questions concerning yours just ask away and you'll get answers from the experts-- actual Montana owners.
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