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Old 02-22-2006, 11:54 AM   #5
Montana Fan
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 470
M.O.C. #447
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Good luck with the web venture. There are a number of very succesful web enterprises and, regrettably, a very large number of failures. The good news is that you do not need to invest a lot of $$$$$$ in capital but you do need to invest a lot of time. There are some traps to avoid (many) but there are an incredible number of (free) resources you can tap into. Start small and learn as you go - be prepared to completely rewrite the website several times before it meets expectations = even then you should continuously update.

We have had some success in the past with websites for our businesses (these days we use it as an adjunct only for existing clients - not over enthusiasic at our maturing age about adding lots of new clients) - important lessons include making sure your clients can easily find out who you are ("about us" section) and how you protect their personal information ("privacy section").

I could go on and on but last pieces of advice (for now) is don't try and reinvent the wheel - you need to be different from the competition but that can come in small ways - you MUST register with all the search engines - find out all you can about meta-tags and their uses.

Good luck - we will be watching your progress.
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