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Old 04-28-2019, 07:59 PM   #7
Barefoot Bill
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Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: Gardner
Posts: 33
M.O.C. #22623
Thanks for the responses. I started out with the"professionals". I assumed the problem was the far side regulator. They replaced the original 15 psi with a 30 psi and replaced the pigtail, had me turn on the stove.and when it lit, they said problem fixed. After they left, we discovered that the stove would only stay on for 5 sec. or so but then go off. The "professionals" came back for something else and I told them the problem wasn't fixed. I don't think they replaced anything but said it wouldn't switch over automatically but would manually. After they left, we found no improvement.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands. I was concerned about the 30 vs 15 psi regulator, so I went to the store, got a 20 and another pigtail and installed them. No change. Thought well it must be the main valve/2stage regulator, so I bought a new one and installed that. No change. Then I blew air through the crosspipe. No change.

Both tanks work on the near side, and both were just recertified and received new valves. I'll try bumping the tank around and opening the valve slowly. As far as testing the new main regulator, I guess I could disconnect the hose from the far side and connect the near side tank to that side of the regulator to see if that works.

Alternatively, I'll be having an awning installed at CW in a couple weeks and I can see if they can do better than the other bozos.

But I have a question. Why does the far side need the extra 15/20/30 psi regulator while the near side doesn't when both go through the same 2-stage regulator, which is really what regulates the pressure to the appliances??
Bill Price
2013 3100RL
2007 Ford F350 diesel
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