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Old 01-23-2006, 10:43 AM   #43
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2005
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M.O.C. #4282
quote:Originally posted by mpl897

quote:Originally posted by Ormee and Ginette

What Guns Can I bring Legally into Canada

Check this Canada Customs Website before entering Canada with a weapon... If undeclared and found guilty of transporting a weapon into Canada you risk all including criminal charges...
I will bet "BLACK GUNS " are not allowed up there
I also notice one thing about Canada customs is that they don't like takeing any cr#p from anyone, my thought is that Canada officers don't get the respect that Mexican officers do and thay[CANADA] will have less of a sense of humor about law breaking.

another thought I have is if faced with a situation and you do only whats legal and not everything you can.....well how can you face the person you are protecting??
My son, who was in the Air Force at the time, and I went across the Canadian border in ND, heading to Winnipeg from Minot AFB. He warned me ahead of time, not to joke around with the Canadian border guards. My son is normally know for his sense of humor.

When we got to the border, something was said about the weather, and I made a joke about it. The guard laughed. My son, who married a terrific Canadian gal, had made that trip many, many times. After I we were moving down the road, I looked over at my son and he was white as a sheet. He turned and said, "Dad, I told you not to joke around with those guards." I was astonded, I told him that it was only a little about the weather... He told me that I didn't understand, and not to try it again.

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