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Old 10-09-2017, 05:45 AM   #29
Montana Master
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: San Antonio
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M.O.C. #5165
Our usual practice is to buy a good car, truck, boat, or RV. Maintain it as stated by the manufacturer or keep it current such an RV. So--we have only purchased 1 RV--a 2006 Monty 3475--we still like the floor plan. As a retired engineer, I have often wondered if the RV manufacturers believe their products can be towed 5000 miles per year and not fall apart. On our Monty--replaced televisions, awning, shackles, tires, furniture, and lots of small items. I expect I would do the same with any other SOB. Yes, cosmetically the decals have disappeared. So--if anytime in the future, I will seek a good Monty dealer and shop again for a Monty--still knowing I will have to keep it up with annual maintenance.
At the 10 year mark, I am replacing the furnace and the polarity reversing switch that operates the slide outs. I have talked to a few other Monty owners with older units--same problems. So what else will fail at the 10 year mark??
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