Thread: Doggone!
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Old 01-08-2013, 07:29 AM   #1
stiles watson
Montana Master
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Leona
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M.O.C. #2059

After settling into a house, we decided it was time for a pet. I found a cute little Chinese Crested Powder Puff, a four year old rescue to adopt.

Things didn't turn out so well. After we got her home, fed her, then I took her for her first walk. I manage to drop the leash (reel type) and it scared her she took off and every time the reel bounded, she put it into another gear. We have been searching for her ever since. She has been seen and reported to us, but she moves around quickly. She took off Saturday late afternoon and we are still looking.

I have two small animal traps set to capture her. Last night I caught a cat, let it go and reset the trap. When I got there this morning, I had caught a skunk. I came home and got my .22 pistol and cancelled the skunk's visa so I could empty the trap. When I got home, Dianna said I smelled of skunk, so I bathed, washed my clothes and all is good. By-the-way, Fabreeze kills skunk odor very well, especially if it is mild. I moved the trap and reset near where she was seen this morning.

The community is very helpful. Several have been out to search for her. We have received several calls about sightings, but when I get there, she is gone. I haven't seen her since she ran. She has managed to shed the leash. Little six pound dogs are quick and can run fast. She was out of sight in less than ten seconds.

I am giving up hope because very bad weather is coming. I hope she is not starving. If we don't find her soon I am afraid she will starve or become a meal for a coyote or a hawk.
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