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Old 05-25-2012, 07:14 AM   #1
stiles watson
Montana Master
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Leona
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M.O.C. #2059
Water heater anode

This is for the new folks on the forum. Some may not know how or be aware of the need for water heater maintenance. I do this about every 6 months. I am going to outline a step-by-step protocol I use. Others may do it differently and that is fine.
  • 1. Turn off the electric switch outside in the water heater box.
  • 2. Run the hot water until it is cool enough to the touch.
  • 3. Then, if your unit has it, turn on the "water heater bypass".
  • 4. With a 1-1/6" socket, ease out the anode and let the water drain out.
  • 5. While the water is running out, brush the "barnacles" off the anode with a wire brush. If you are near a grinding wheel with a wire brush on it, that's better and quicker. If the anode is 2/3 used up, I replace it.
  • 6. I use a water heater clean-out wand you can find at the RV store. It fits on the end of a water hose and has an on/off lever. This is for spraying and flushing the inside of the water heater.
  • 7. When you have finished flushing, wrap the anode threads with Teflon tape and thread it in and tighten.
  • 8. Turn the water heater bypass valve off to fill the water heater.
  • 9. Run the hot water in the kitchen sink until the air is out of the line and water begins to flow.
  • 10. Now it is safe to turn the electrical switch back on. With the tank full, you won't fry your heater coil.
  • 11. Close the outside heater door, clean up and you are done.
Note: you don't have to turn the water off if you have a bypass valve.

My reason for the step-by-step listing is that sequence is important, not that I think anyone is an idiot. Happy RVing...............
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