Thread: Mrs Country guy
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Old 05-25-2009, 01:36 PM   #1
Seasoned Camper
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Statesboro
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M.O.C. #8371
Mrs Country guy

Hey Carol-thank you for the invite to Facebook. I have been getting lots of invites but my computer won't let me on. Dave has to get on it and see what it needs for me to get on and I don't know if he will have time until we get to Boston. It depends on how much time he spends running at the upcoming rally. If it is anything like last Fall, I won't see him much at all.
I will let you know when I get on Facebook.
As for reaching out, I generally don't. I am like a turtle. I move very slowly and only reach out very carefully. I learned to be a turtle growing up and I haven't gotten out of the habit. I tend to withdraw into my shell and sit there, just watching the world go by and pondering things. It is alright to do so sometimes and at others, it is not such a good idea. I have just been able to really talk about what is going on in the last few weeks without breaking down completely and then laying in bed for a day or two trying to find the energy to get up and face another day.
I know that sounds maudlin, but it is the way it is. Anyway, I hope to be on Facebook really soon and then I can talk to all of my friends.
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