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Old 10-21-2007, 12:09 PM   #1
Montana Master
Join Date: Jun 2006
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M.O.C. #5965
Leaf color tours

We talked about traveling east to Vermont, etc this year and seeing the fall colors. Things happened to make us put that in our "another day" list so we traveled to Northern Michigan last week to see the colors. It was raining most of the time we were there so we saw most of our colors between windshield wiper sweeps and without the benefit of sun shine. Today we toured our own area and saw some great, glorious colors. The sun was out, for a change, and the leaves were starting to turn in large numbers. Of course it was and has been windy so a large number of the trees were barren of leaves but God sure painted us some pretty pictures. Hope these pix come out but, if not, we have some posted on our blog.

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