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Old 08-21-2007, 02:19 AM   #1
Montana Master
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: McKinney
Posts: 7,231
M.O.C. #6433
Undercarraige and Corrosion

When we were shopping Montanas, we fairly quickly narrowed our choice down to a 3075RL. We found one at a dealer in Oklahoma. But looking at it, the undercarraige was severly rusted, front to back and side to side. I am not talking a little rust, but major corrosion that looked like could be a big problem in a couple years. When I mentioned it to the salesman, he said it had come down from the north in the winter and the road salt had caused that. He said they would clean it all up and repaint it before I bought it. But I declined to buy that unit.
Found another at another dealer, and the undercarraige was spotless. I live in TX and will not be towing north in the winter.
My question is, have you had a problem with the undercarraige rusting on any Montana models? And have you done anything to prevent it or correct it?
Bill & Patricia
Riley, our Golden
2007 3075RL (recently sold, currently without)
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