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Old 12-05-2006, 12:33 AM   #1
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #1105
Tips for preparing to leave your stick house

Every time we leave on a long trip, no matter how hard we try, we manage to forget to do something! One time it was a loaf of bread in the breadbox, last time it was potato salad in the 'frig. Maybe by sharing those little tasks that we might overlook in our prep, we can help one another. I think we could work on a checklist for shutting up the house, etc., much like the one that has been made up for setting up camp. These hints will help us work on that list.

We like to keep a lamp on a timer when we're gone. We changed our mailing address to a P.O. box that we use even when we're home. Then our daughter picks up our mail once a month or so. We do most of our bill paying on the computer.
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