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Old 10-29-2006, 01:32 PM   #1
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #450
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We have been in Florida visiting Walt's Mother and started home on 10/26/2006 the first day was nothing but rain. On Friday we were traveling west on I-20 about 65 miles east of Abilene TX. when we came upon three 18 wheelers traveling together in the right hand lane. Well we passed the first one fine and then he pulled into the passing lane where we were, then we passed the second one and started to pass the third one and was half way around him when he decided to change lanes and started over Well Walt locked all our brakes, now we could not go left because there was a GUARD RAIL there we must have left rubber for about 40 feet and the truck behind us was on his brakes trying not to hit us in the rear. Now the second truck that was still in the right was trying to move over to give us room but we were sliding all over the place. But Alas we did not get out of the way in time and the back of the truck got the right side of the front of our truck. We now need a new front bumper,panel and other stuff that I don't know what it is.

Now I have to tell you I have never been so scared in all my life, and not only that the truck driver just kept going down the highway so Walt chased him down and we stopped him. He said I will give you my Ins. and I said NO I AM CALLING THE TEXAS HWP. it took about 20 minutes and they took our Ins. information and sent us on our way. They said the the truck driver would be getting a ticket.. I know that he did not do it on purpose but he did not look or put on a turn light.

So Folks I feel lucky to be alive tonight and the officer said that we very lucky. Thanks for reading about my new Oops.
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