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Old 06-08-2015, 04:38 AM   #1
Glenn the fifth
Montana Fan
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Silverdale
Posts: 275
M.O.C. #7117
Something new...

We went camping this weekend and had a good time. Although I don't use the tank level/battery power check lights often (normally not worth checking), the campground was without power for about 6 hours so I decided to check the battery lights on that panel. I had used it a couple of weeks ago and it was working, but when I tried it this time, none of the lights were working. I took the whole panel off the wall (slide out control, light switches, awing control, water heater etc..). When I got it off the wall I noticed that what I am assuming was a mouse had chewed through the red (power) wire for the tank level indicators and had also damaged several other wires in there. I am going to unhook all power (battery too) this coming weekend and repair what I can. Not sure why a mouse would be that far up in a wall chewing on wires. Frustrating to say the least and not sure how I can do much to get the critters out of the wall other than cutting a hole on the inside of the closet which is the opposite side of that panel. Darn-it! Any ideas? I have the panel out away from the wall now and one of those sonic noise makers tucked in there in an attempt to keep them from dong any more damage.
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