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Old 01-01-2014, 04:28 AM   #1
Montana Fan
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 238
M.O.C. #9976
Interior Water Pipes and Subzero Temps

Friday's overnight low is forecast to be around -4.

Here's what I'm thinking regards to possible freezing of interior water pipes.

1) Turn off shore water connection so water is not coming into the rig/pipes. (We're currently static and water hose is hooked up all the time. It's heat tape wrapped and insulated.)
2) Open faucets and drain 'em prior to turning in for the night.
3) Leave cabinets open so heat inside rig gets to the pipes.
4) Don't turn on water pump until next morning.

We've had a week single digits as highs before with no issues; however, we've never experienced subzero temps. By doing the above, there would be minimal water in 'em in case they do freeze.

Maybe this is overkill, but it can't do any harm, right? Right?

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