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Old 11-19-2013, 05:40 AM   #1
Tom S.
Montana Master
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Waterford
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M.O.C. #7500
My wife: Update #2

For those of you who know her, I had to take Marlene into the hospital Sunday via ambulance when she started having seizures. After establishing it was a seizure and not a stroke (symptoms were similar), we had her transported to a better hospital for treatment, where, until now I've been. Very scary situation, and thought we might be losing her at first, which after only 44 years, is just too soon. Prognoses for a full recovery is good however. I'm a firm believer in the power of prayer, and I hope this was just a reminder from God not to take her for granted. I'll be going back to the hospital in a few hours so my presence around here will be scarce.


Thanks all for your prayers, well wishes and good thoughts. She is now out of ICU and in a regular room. We are hoping she will get to come soon and of course for a full recovery. Again, thanks!


Marlene came home this afternoon. She is still having memory problems and is very tired, but we're hoping for improvement as time goes by. One thing: they had her on an EEG device for 26 hours, and we are having a devil of a time getting the glue they used for the probes out of her hair. I don't want her to end up looking like me (bald), so does anyone have any suggestions? We tried an adhesive remover the hospital gave us, along with shampoo and conditioner, but it barely had any effect.
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