Thread: Critters
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Old 09-25-2013, 05:16 AM   #1
Montana Master
Join Date: Feb 2008
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M.O.C. #8160

Recently we have been having a migration of squirrels, skunks, raccoons and the occasional opossum. Fortunately only the 'coons have been the only problem. For the last two months we have caught 4 squirrels, 2 raccoons, 1 'possum, and including last night, 2 skunks.

I confidently took a towel this morning to cover the cage and transport "Pepe" to the forest preserve. As I put the towel over the cage Pepe sprayed. As I hauled him up the drive to my truck he sprayed again. The bad thing is I did not wear gloves like I usually do and my hand really smells from the saturated towel.

Pepe is now happily romping at the forest preserve and after washing with dawn and vinegar my hand still smells. Towel is bad and the cage really stinks, but maybe it's bad enough to keep all the critters away.
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