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Old 12-18-2012, 05:57 AM   #1
Wayne and Carolyn Mathews
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Dillon KOA
Posts: 1,291
M.O.C. #7445
Prayers for Susan: UPDATE

Friday evening, December 21: We haven't been able to speak to Susan since her surgery this morning (she's still out of it on pain meds tonight), but here is the text her husband sent after he'd talked to the doctor early this afternoon: "All went well, will not have the pathology report for about a week. Doctors are very confident that there is nothing of any concern. Everything else looked great." We feel that this is the best news we could have received today!

Thanks to ALL of you for your prayers, concern, and support. I know that someone was listening. You MOC members are the best!
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Once again we are asking for prayers for Susan Phillips, our oldest daughter, when she undergoes surgery at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, on Friday, December 21st. You may have seen an earlier post from us regarding her health problems and the testing she's undergone since June 1st. Nothing was ever found to explain the syptoms she was experiencing, that is nothing was found until 2 weeks ago. Her OB/GYN decided to do a second ultrasound to see if anything was missed in the original one done in September. The second one done two weeks ago did show changes, primarily the presence of a tumor that appears to be about 3cm in diameter. It was not present in the September ultrasound.

We're hoping and praying for the best, but the fact that MD Anderson accepted Susan as a patient after more testing was done there last week sort of indicates the surgeon is expecting the tumor to be malignant. Until the biopsy is done, we won't know for sure.

Your prayers will be appreciated for this teacher/assistant principal, daughter, wife, and mother of two teenage boys. Below: Susan with her dog Jezebel at "dog day" at school.

Carolyn and Wayne

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